Nevoia de a avea un acoperis deasupra capului este comuna atat oamenilor ,
cat si animalelor.
Oamenii il numesc camin, casa.
Isi construiesc casa sau si-o cumpara.
Una sau 2, 3, 4 ! Depinde
cat de mari sunt nevoile lor ...
Pentru animale , casa
reprezinta locul unde isi cresc si isi adapostesc puii . Reprezinta locul care
le ofera protectie . Unele se folosesc de ceea ce exista : scorburi, pesteri.
Altele depun o munca speciala pentru a-si construi un adapost.
ariciului este foarte curat. Acesta este captusit cu un strat gros de frunze uscate , cu rol
Vizuina vulpii este practic o galerie subterana , cu mai
multe intrari inguste si orizontale. De multe ori ocupa vizuina bursucilor. Le murdareste “casa” si astfel
bursucii , curati de felul lor , parasesc caminul.
Iepurii isi
sapa cu picioarele dina inte galerii
. Isi cauta soluri uscate, nisipoase , calde si in panta , astfel incat apa de
ploaie sa nu patrunda in ele. De multe ori isi aleg zone cu lastarisuri, cu
tufisuri , cu buruieni care sa mascheze
intrarea in galerie. Puii sunt tinuti mai in capatul galeriei , intr-un spatiu
captusit cu fan moale.
sursa :
de companie sunt cele mai fericite. Ele locuiesc , de fapt in casa cea mare.
Insa pentru confortul lor , le amenajam un coltisor numai si numai al lor.
Unui hamster ii va place sa
sape si sa-si faca vizuina .Mai trage
cate un pui de somn in locurile pe care singur le amenajeaza . O cutie ideala
pentru ei este cea din carton de la servetele.
Despre catei sau pisici , ce sa mai vorbim :) .
Ei beneficiaza de locuri special amenajate si integrate chiar in mobila stapanilor !
Fii Pozitiv !
Alege viata !
Ei beneficiaza de locuri special amenajate si integrate chiar in mobila stapanilor !
Fii Pozitiv !
Alege viata !
sursa :
The need to have a roof over one's head is the same for humans and animals.
The humans name it home, house. They build their house, or buy it. One, or two, three, four! It depends on how big their needs are...
For animals, the house is the place where they raise and shelter their babies. It represents the place that offers them protection. Some use what is already there: hollows, caves. Others make special efforts to build a shelter.
The hedgehog's shelter is very clean. It is lined with a thick layer of dry leaves, for insulation.
The fox's burrow is basically an underground gallery, with many narrow and horizontal entrances. Many times the fox takes over the badger's burrow. It "sullies" their house, and so the badgers, who are very clean, leave their home.
The rabbits dig galleries with their front legs, they look for dry, sandy, warm and inclined soil, so that the rain water doesn't infiltrate. Many times they choose areas with brake, bushes, weeds, that hide the gallery entrance. The babies are kept towards the end of the gallery, in a space lined with soft hay.
sursa :
The pets are the happiest. They actually live in the big house. But, for their comfort, we arrange their very own corner.
A hamster would like to dig and make its burrow. It sometimes naps in the places that it arranges itself. An ideal box for him is the empty cardboard tissue box.
Be positive!
Choose life!
Translated by Elena Popescu
sursa :
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