
joi, 26 decembrie 2013


Stiti filmul Jake si grasanul ?

Catelul seamana cu stapanul sau invers? J

Se observa cu usurinta cum unii stapani de catei se aseamana izbitor cu patrupedul lor. 
Si infatisarea , si comportamentul sau temperamentul seamana. 
Exista chiar si concursuri de asemanare !
Se cunoaste faptul ca posesorii de caini au tendinta de a trata patrupedele ca pe niste fiinte umane : le adreseaza intrebari, ii imbraca, ii accesorizeaza , merg cu ei la hair-stylist . Poate de aceea aspectul lor este mai umanizat . Specialistii spun ca aceasta asemanare se datoreaza convietuirii, ca asa ajung cainii sa imprumute caracteristicile stapanilor.

Dar se mai spune ca nu omul isi alege cainele.
Omul este ales 

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

Do you know the movie Jake and the Fatman? 

Does the doggy look like his owner, or is it the other way around? :)

One can easily notice how some dog owners strikingly look like their dogs.
The look, the behavior and the temperament,all are similar.
There are even look-a-like contests!
It's a well known fact that dog owners have the tendency to treat their dogs like they're human: they ask them questions, they dress them, they accessorize them, they take them to the stylist. Maybe that's why they look more human. The specialists' opinion is that this resemblance is due to cohabitation, this way the dogs borrow their owners' traits. 

But it's also said that not human chooses his dog, the human is chosen J

Be positive!

Choose life!

Translated by Elena Popescu

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