Se poate afirma ca Charles Dickens a reinventat sarbatoarea de Craciun odata cu povestea lui Scrooge. Cand a scris despre personajul Ebenezer Scrooge, un batran zgarcit si singur care este vizitat de spiritul partenerului sau mort , Craciunul nu era o sarbatoare , cel putin in Anglia , atat de deosebita cum este in zilele noastre.
Dickens ne spune cum Ebenezer este dus in trecutul sau , in prezent si in viitor de 3 spirite care vor sa ii arate ce inseamna cu adevarat Craciunul. A doua zi Ebenezer se trezeste un om total schimbat. :)
Schimbarea este un proces treptat . Ea nu se produce o data pentru totdeauna. Schimbarile vor aduce alte schimbari. Motivatia ei , a schimbarii este una personala. Nu reprezinta efectul vre-unei nevoi externe. In schimb ea trebuie sa vina din constientizarea noastra. Numai asa , ea devine intreaga , completa, definita. Daca decizia schimbarii nu vine de la tine, atunci pot ramane regrete in urma ...
Scrooge s-a schimbat.
Schimba-te si tu.
Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !
(Translated by Elena Popescu)
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It can safely be said that Charles Dickens reinvented the Christmas Holiday with the story of Scrooge. When he wrote about the Ebenezer Scrooge character, an avaricious, lonely old man who is visited by the spirit of his dead partner, Christmas wasn't a Holiday, at least in England, so different then than the one in our days.
Dickens tells us how Ebenezer is sent to his past, his present and his future by three spirits who want to show him the true meaning of Christmas. The second day, Ebenezer wakes up a totally changed man. :)
The change is a gradual process. It doesn't take place once and for all. The changes will bring out other changes. Its motivation, the change's motivation, is a personal one. It doesn't represent the effect of a certain external need. in fact, it must come from our own awareness. Only this way it becomes total, complete, well defined. If the decision to change doesn't come from one's self, than regrets might stay...
Scrooge changed. You can change, too.
Be positive!
Choose life!(Translated by Elena Popescu)
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