
luni, 16 decembrie 2013

Ratuste / Ducklings

De cativa ani ratele salbatice nu mai pleaca in tarile calde. Raman in preajma ochiurilor de apa care nu ingheata.
Se spune ca daca iarna este foarte grea , pasarile totusi migreaza . Ca altfel , cu luciul apelor inghetat , hranirea devine imposibila …
Iar cand gerul se instaleaza brusc , pasarile sunt luate pe nepregatite …

Daca esti posesorul unor boboci de rata domestica , nu strica sa afli cate ceva despre ei:
 - sunt posesivi , chiar foarte posesivi  :)
-  au nevoie de multa caldura . 
Daca ai boboci orfani si ii cresti , acestia se vor atasa unii de altii. Pentru nimic in lume nu se vor desparti.
Daca ai doar un singur boboc de rata si acesta nu se poate incalzi singur , ofera-i niste paie sau ceva pufos : un pulover de-al tau. 
Bineinteles ii trebuie si o casuta, macar din carton sau plastic. 
Atentie , fara umezeala !

Toate acestea , daca nu ai o pisica pe post de mama adoptiva :) 

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

Since several years ago, the wild ducks didn't migrate to the warm countries anymore. They stay around the ice holes that don't freeze. 
It's said that if the winter is very harsh, the birds still migrate, though. Otherwise, when all water freezes, the feeding becomes impossible... And when the frost comes suddenly, the birds are taken by surprise. 

If you are the owner of some ducklings, it doesn't hurt to know a few facts about them:
- they are possessive, in fact very possessive :)
- they need a lot of warmth.
If you have orphan ducklings and you raise them, they will be very attached to each other. Nothing in the world would separate them.
If you have only one duckling and it cannot warm itself, give it some straws, or something fluffy: a sweater of yours. Of course, the duckling needs its little house, at least one made out of cardboard, or plastic.
Be careful, no humidity!

All these are necessary, if you don't have a cat as an adoptive mother :)

Be positive!
Choose life!
(Translated by Elena Popescu)    

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