
sâmbătă, 14 decembrie 2013

Cele 12 zile de Craciun / The 12 days of Christmas

Cele 12 zile de Craciun este un colind .
Un colind de Craciun . 
El este foarte popular in Anglia si a fost publicat initial in 1780. Era scris in limba franceza.
Este vorba despre cadouri oferite de “adevarata mea dragoste” in fiecare din cele 12 zile festive pana la ziua de Craciun , 25 decembrie. Cadourile , bineinteles ca sunt din ce in ce mai “ mari “ . :) 

Pornind de la acest frumos colind avem si o poveste cu animalute.
Cu cei 12 catei ai Craciunului.

Se povesteste ca Emma este trimisa de tatal sau ,chiar in ajunul Craciunului la o matusa. Matusa , care de fapt era o fosta prietena a tatalui ei. O persoana rece , fara suflet. Ce mai incoace si incolo , era rea !
Fortata fiind de matusa Delores sa isi gaseasca un job , fetita strabate orasul intreg ca sa vada daca cineva are nevoie de serviciile ei.
Asa afla ca in oras exista o lege oribila prin care toti cateii fara stapan trebuie sa fie ucisi.
Nu vreau sa deconspir mai mult , cert este ca Emma , impreuna cu noii ei prieteni reusesc sa salveze de la moarte toti catelusii din oras !

Urmarind filmuletul , veti descoperi cum necuvantatoarele pot “vorbi” despre bucuria Craciunului , chiar mai bine decat oamenii !

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

The 12 Days of Christmas is a carol. 
A Christmas Carol.
It is very popular in England and was published initially in 1780. It was written in French.
The carol was about presents offered by "my true love" during the 12 festive days until Christmas. The presents, of course, were "bigger" and "bigger". :)

Starting from this beautiful carol, we also have a story with animals. 
With the 12 dogs of Christmas.

It's been said that Emma was sent by her father to an aunt, right on the Christmas Eve. The aunt was, in fact, a former friend of her father's. She was a cold, heartless person. Truth be told, she was a very mean person! 
Forced by her aunt Delores  to find a job, the girl crosses the whole town to see if someone needs her services. 
This way she finds out that there is horrible law in the town, by which all stray dogs must be killed. I don't want to tell more, it is certain that Emma, together with her new friends, manages to rescue from certain death all the doggies in the town!

By watching the movie, you will discover how the animals can "speak" about the joy of Christmas, even better than humans!

Be positive! 
Choose life!        

(Translated by Elena Popescu)    

for movie click here :

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