
joi, 5 decembrie 2013

Reni , Mos Craciun , Rudolf / Reindeers , Santa Claus, Rudolf

Conform unui mit popular modern sania lui Mos Craciun este trasa de 8 reni . Reni care pot zbura . Simpaticii reni sunt : Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner şi Blitzen . Mai tarziu , la sfarsitul anilor ’30 , a fost adaugat inca un ren , Rudolf, cel care lumineaza calea Mosului.

Initial , Rudolf a fost intalnit intr-o poveste in versuri . Cu un ren cu nasul rosu si foarte stralucitor. Povestea pentru copii , scrisa in anul 1939 a fost dedicata si pentru fetita scriitorului Robert L. May , pe atunci in varsta de 4 ani . Povestile cu animale , zane si spiridusi incanta orice copil. Succesul povestioarei a condus la adaugarea lui Rudolf la sania lui Mos Craciun.

In mitologie renul este un spirit bun, are rolul de a calauzi sufletele catre lumile ceresti. Este un animal psihopomp. Deasemenea renul a fost asociat cu Luna . Este un animal Yin, un spirit lunar.

In seara de Craciun , Mosul este acela care ne pune cadourile sub brad in fiecare an si merge cu sania trasa de reni, urcand spre cer , spre Luna. Cea mai frumoasa poveste a copilariei noastre !

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According to a modern popular myth, Santa Claus sledge is pulled by 8 reindeers. And trey can fly. The sweet reindeers are: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen . Later, at the end of the ‘30s one more reindeer has been added: Rudolf, the one illuminating Santa’s path.

Initially , Rudolf has been encountered in a lyrical story. Staring a highly bright red nose reindeer. The children story, written in 1939 has been also dedicated to the author’s daughter: Robert L. May , 4 years old back then. Stories staring animals, fairies and dwarfs enchant any child. The success of the story led to adding Rudolf to Santa Claus’ sledge.

In mythology the reindeer is the good spirit, he has the role of guiding the souls to the worlds in the sky. He is a phychopomp animal. He has also been associated with the Moon. He is a Yin animal and a lunar spirit.

On Christmas Eve, Santa is the one placing gifts under the tree every year and travels by his reindeer pulled sledge, going up to the sky towards the Moon. The most beautiful story of our childhood.

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