
sâmbătă, 28 decembrie 2013

Pace. Prietenie. Maslin / Peace. Friendship. Olive tree

Maslinul este un arbore foarte iubit pe continentul european. El este simbolul pacii si al prieteniei. Totodata este si un simbol al sanatatii depline ,deoarece consumul de masline / ulei de masline are putere de vindecare .
Maslinele / uleiul de masine ajuta in prevenirea unor boli ; pot fi folosite atat in tratament intern , cat si extern.
Ca tratament extern , la capitolul frumusete are un loc fruntas.

Acum inteleg de ce pisicile sunt atat de frumoase.
Ele adora si maslinele , si uleiul de masline.

Fii pozitiv!
Alege viata!

The olive tree is very appreciated on the European continent. It's the symbol of peace and friendship. It's also a symbol of total health, because the olives/olive oil consumption has a healing power. 
The olives/olive oil help preventing certain diseases: they can be used both internally, and externally. 
Externally, the beauty chapter is on the first place. 

Now I understand why cats are so pretty. 
They adore both olives, and olive oil. 

Be positive!
Choose life!

Translated by Elena Popescu

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