
miercuri, 11 decembrie 2013

11 Decembrie - Ziua internationala a muntelui / December, 11 th The International Day of the Mountain

Daca vorbim de munte stiti ce animale salbatice protejate prin lege strabat muntii Romaniei?

Usul carpatin  sau ursul brun  - este considerat “regele muntilor” . Mos Martin este un animal prin excelenta romanesc.

Cerbul carpatin – este cel mai impunator reprezentant al faunei carpatine. Ce trup zvelt si puternic !

Capra neagra – este considerata perla muntilor.

Rasul  - este probabil cel mai greu de gasit animal din Romania

Zimbrul - traieste acum doar in rezervatia naturala din Muntii Hategului

Gainusa si cocosul de munte - numit popular gotcan, iar femela gotca, cocosul de munte este cea mai mare pasare dintre cele trei specii de tetraonide care traiesc in tara noastra .

Jderul - Puii jderului sunt neajutorati, se ridica greu in picioare si timp de sase saptamani sunt hraniti exclusiv de mama lor. Masculul nu participa la cresterea puilor.

Veverita - Aproape ca nu exista parcuri sau paduri in care sa nu le intalnesti

Castorul-  „inginerii regnului animal“.  Castorii din Romania au fost exterminati in urma cu aproximativ 200 ani. Avem vreo 600 de exemplare , care provin din Germania.

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

When we speak of the mountains, do you know what protected animal species there are in the Romanian mountains?

The Carpathian Bear or the Brown Bear – is considered the “king of the mountains” . Uncle Bear is a typical Romanian animal.
The Carpathian Stag – is the most majestic representative of the Carpathian fauna. What a slender strong body!

The Black Goat – is considered the pearl of the mountains.

The Lynx - is probably the most difficult animal to be reached in Romania

Aurochs – currently living only in the Hateg natural reservation

The Mountain Hen and the Mountain Rooster – known also as gotcan, the Mountain Rooster is the largest bird out of the 3 tetraonyde species living in our country.

Marten – the Marten cubs are helpless, they can barely stand and for 6 weeks they are exclusively fed by their mother. The male doesn’t take part to their raising.

The squirrel – There is no park or forest that has no squirrel.

Beaver- „the engineers of the animal reign“. Beavers is Romania have been exterminated 200 years ago. Now we have 600 members of this species originated in Germany.

Be postive !
Choose life !

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