Sfantului Vlasie al Sevastei
viata Sfantului Vlasie al Sevastei (11 februarie) citim ca, odata, pe
cand slugile imparatului vanau pe Muntele Argheos, ele vazura o multime
de animale adunate la un loc; mult se minunara ei ca leii nu-i atingeau
pe cerbi, iar ursii pe caprioare. Sfantul Vlasie a aflat despre venirea
vanatorilor, drept pentru care a binecuvantat animalele si le-a spus:
"Fugiti mai repede, sa nu va omoare vanatorii!" Cand s-au apropiat,
vanatorii n-au mau vazut nici urma de fiara, in fata lor aparand doar un
batran carunt. "Esti un vrajitor! Cum ai fermecat aceste animale, ca sa
te asculte?", au spus ei. Sfantul insa le-a spus: "Nu sunt vrajitor. Eu
sunt crestin din tinerete. Dusmanii credintei m-au alungat din oras.
Mai bine traiesc cu fiarele salbatice, decat cu oamenii cei rai,
dusmanii lui Hristos."
Saint Vlasie of Sevasta
From the life of Saint Vlasie of Sevasta (February
11) we read that, once, while the kings’ servants were hunting in the Argheos
Mountain, they have seen plenty of animals gathred together; they were
wondering how was it possible that the lions did not touch the stags and the
bears the deers. Saint Vasile found out of the arrival of the hunters and for
this he offered his blessing to the animals and said: "run fast so that
the hunters don’t kill you!" when they approached, the hunters did not see
any beast , only an old man with grey hair. "You are a wizard! How did you
charm these animals to obey you?", they asked. And the Saint replied:
"I am not a wizard. I am a Christian and have been one since youth. The
ennemies of my faith throw me away of town. I would better live with the beasts
rather than evil men, Christ’s ennemies."
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