Vederea culorilor este strans legata de capacitatea animalelor de a detecta prada, deci devine esentiala in arta supravietuirii. Dar, este la fel de importanta in ritualurile de imperechere si in cele care presupun apararea teritoriului si camuflarea.
Fluturii si albinele pot distinge nuante pe care oamenii nu le cunosc. Serpii nu au nevoie de ochi pentru a vedea, ci doar de simtul care le permite sa detecteze caldura.
Nu toate animalele au vedere nocturna, dar bufnitele sunt renumite pentru simtul lor ascutit. Oamenii de stiinta au descoperit recent ca soparla poate vedea unele culori in lumina foarte slaba. Este posibil ca si broasca sa se fi adaptat vederii nocturne in culori.
Cercetatorii au incercat sa analizeze pigmentii si sensibilitatea fotografica a celulelor spre a determina ce vad si cum vad animalele culorile.
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It is a known fact animals don’t see the same colours of this world as humans do. Some, as dogs, cats, mice and rabbits don’t see colours very well. They rather see tones of grey, blue and yellow. While bulls don’t see coulours at all. They react to the piece of cloth moving in front of their eyes at corridas, and not to its colour. There are animals who have a pretty good perception of colour. This is the case of monkeys, squirrels, birds, insects and fish.
Perceiving colours is highly correlated with the animals’ capacity to detect prey, so it is essential in the art of surviving. But it is equally important in the mating rituals, in those involving the protection of territory and in camouflage.
Butterflies and bees can distinguish nuances humans do not know. Snakes do not need eyes to see, only the sense allowing them to detect heat.
Not all animals can see in the dark, but owls are renowned for their keen sense. Scientists have recently discovered that lizards can see some colours in very dim light. It is also possible the frogs to also have beed adapted its sight to nocturnal vision.
Researchers have tried to analyse the pigments and the photographic sensitivity of the cells in order to determine what animals see and how.
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