
duminică, 8 decembrie 2013

Altruism in lumea animalelor / Altruism within the animal kingdom

Un tanar vorbea cu prietenii lui: 
“ ... altruism ? nu am mai auzit termenul asta de cativa ani ! “

Altruism = atitudine morala sau dispozitie sufleteasca de a face bine in folosul altora , fara alte interese.

Atitudinea altruista pare sa nu fie doar apanajul societatii umane. 
Stim de la Darwin ca altruismul este peste tot in lumea animala. 
Putem enumera: liliecii , albinele, pasarile . Liliecii isi hranesc semenii mai putin norocosi – sarutul vietii, albinele apara stupul de intrusi prin folosirea acului lor , pasarile cresc pui care nu sunt ai lor.  
Desigur ati auzit ca delfinii isi ajuta colegii loviti sa ajunga la suprafata sau ca morsele adopta puii ramasi orfani .

Teoria supravietuirii celui mai puternic este contrazisa de altruism . Bunavointa nu inseamna pierdere intrinseca. Altruismul este opus egoismului.

Dar ce este surprinzator este ca altruismul poate fi intalnit si in lumea plantelor...

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

A young man was talking to his friends:
“ ... altruism ? I haven’t heart this word for few years! “

Altruism = moral attitude, emotional predisposition to do good in the benefit of others, without any personal interest.

The altruistic attitude seems not human specific only . We know from Darwin altruism exists everywhere in the animal world. We can add here: bats, bees, birds. Bats feed their less fortunate members – kiss of life, bees protect the hive from intruders using their needle, birds raise babies that do not belong to them. Of course you have heard dolphins help their hit colleagues to reach the surface or that walrus adopt the orphan babies.

The theory of the surviving of the fittest is strongly contradicted by altruism. Good will does not mean intrinsic loss. Altruism is opposed to selfishness.

What is really surprising is that altruism can be encountered at plants also...

Be positive!
Choose life!

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