
sâmbătă, 7 decembrie 2013

Oglinda / The Mirror

7 decembrie – astrologic ,  ziua sensibilitatii crescute.
Cei nascuti in aceasta zi , se spune ca au o sensibilitate crescuta.
Vai de cei ce au tenul sensibil ! Cand se privesc in oglinda, mai sunt nascuti si intr-o zi de 7 decembrie ... Offf, offf ...

Poate numai sa te cheme Nico si sa fii robot ca sa poti trece cu usurinta peste acest lucru ... 

Ce sa mai spunem de cimpanzei sau cotofene, care sunt singurele animale care isi pot recunoaste imaginea intr-o oglinda ? :)

Leii si tigrii par se sperie de reflexia lor in oglinda. Se gandesc probabil ca un alt exemplar al speciei lor se pregateste de atac. Insa nu au nici o problema cu tenul  :)

Jaguarii ? si ei se sperie.

Felinele mici nu par deranjate ! Unele chiar se privesc curioase in oglinda, altele sunt chiar indiferente.

Cainii sau pisicile sunt chiar amuzante cand se privesc in oglinda .

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

December, 7th – astrologically, the day of intense sensibility.
Those born on this day, they say, have an intense sensibility.
Too pity for those with a sensitive skin! When they look in the mirror, being born on December 7th so sad.

Maybe if your name is Nico and to be a robot so you can skip it over...

Not mentioning the chimpanzees and the magpies, the only animals able to recognize their only reflection in the mirror.? :)

Lions and tigers seem to be scared of their reflection in the mirror. They probably think another member of their species is ready to attack. But no problem with their skin thou:)

Jaguars ? they are scared also.

Small felines don’t seem bothered! Some watch themselves with a certain curiosity others are rather indifferent.

Dogs or cats are really amused when watching themselves in the mirror.

Be positive!
Choose life!

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