
marți, 10 decembrie 2013

10 decembrie – ziua decernarilor premiilor Nobel / December, 10th The Nobel Prices Awards Day

Nobel si-a dorit , ca din averea sa , se acorde anual,  persoanelor care au inregistrat realizari semnificative in chimie , fizica, medicina, literatura un premiu , un bonus , un merit.

Si in lumea animalelor putem vorbi de inteligenta. Mai multe echipe de cercetatori au studiat animalele si au oferit un clasament :

1.    Cainii, mai destepti decat pisicile

2.    Elefantii, mai destepti decat cimpanzeii

3.    Ursi grizzly versus ursi polari – egalitate

4.    Sobolanii, mai inteligenţi decat porumbeii

5.    Calmarii, mai deştepti decat pestii

6.    Caii, mai destepti decat vacile

7.    Sobolanii, mai inteligenţi decat testoasele

8.    Delfinii, mai inteligenţi decat cimpanzeii

9. Albine versus furnici – egalitate

10. Cangurii, mai inteligenti decat ursii koala

11. Porci versus caini – egalitate

12. Curcanii - cei mai proşti ...In schimb , curcanii sunt cei mai curajosi.

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

Nobel wished that out of his wealth to offer annually a bonus, a merit to those who achieved significant results in Chemistry, Physics, Medicine or Literature.

We talk about intelligence in the animal kingdom as well. A series of researchers have studied the animals and came up with a top list:

1. Dogs, smarter than cats

2. Elephants, smarter than the chimpanzees

3. Grizzly bears versus polar bears – equality

4. Rats, smarter than doves

5. Calmar, smarter than fish

6. Horses, smarter than cows

7. Rats, smarter than turtles
8. Dolphins, , smarter than chimpanzees

9. Bees versus ants – equality

10. Kangaroos, smarter than koala bears

11. Pigs versus dogs – equality

12. Turkeys the least smart ...but the most courageous.

Be positive! 
Choose life!

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