
sâmbătă, 14 decembrie 2013

Iarna. Viscol. Frig. / Winter. Cold. Windy.

Iarna. Viscol. Frig. Dinauntru ce priveliste frumoasa ! Ceaiul cald sau ciocolata fierbinte sunt la mare cautare dupa ce venim de afara infrigurati . Hmmm.
Animalele cum rezista? Ratustele oare au picioarele inghetate? Sau vrabiutele? Fara paturi si fara centrala termica cum rezista animalele ?

Pasarile calatoare fug din calea iernii si chiar daca drumul lor este lung si anevoios ele si-au simplificat existenta. Ajung departe,  in tarile calde.

Marmotele hiberneaza. Hamsterii de camp, liliecii, aricii isi regleaza temperatura corpului , incetinesc respiratia si bataile inimii. Insa trebuie sa isi adune rezerve de grasime inca din timpul verii. Ursul brun, veveritele sau bursucul nereusind sa-si adune rezerve de grasime atat de mari incat sa-i ajunga toata iarna, sunt nevoite sa se trezeasca din cand in cand pentru a elimina toxine sau sa-si mai caute hrana.
Insectele se ascund in pamant sau sub scoarta copacilor . Parca intra intr-o stare de criogenie , din care se trezesc abia primavara.
Pasarile retin un strat de aer in pene care le protejeaza impotriva frigului. Iar stratul de grasime le protejeaza atunci cand ploua sau ninge.

Foarte mult consum de energie si foarte mult efort pentru a trece de cumplita iarna .

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

Winter. Cold. Windy. From inside what a beautiful landscape! Warm tea or hot chocolate are highly sought after we come in from the cold outdoor. Hmmm.
How do animals cope with this? Don’t the little duck have frozen feet? Or the sparrows? Without blackest and central heating ... how do they cope with it?

Migratory birds run away from winter even if their trip is long and difficult they simplify their existence They go far far away in hot countries.

Groundhogs hibernate, wild hamsters , bats and hedgehogs regulate their body temperature, lowering their breathing and heart beats. But they have to gather reserves of fat starting summer. The Brown Bear, the squirrels or the badger, not able to gather such large amounts of fat to suffice all winter, have to wake up from time to time to eliminate toxins and look for food.

Insects hide in the ground or under the bark of the trees. They enter in a state similar to a cryogenic one out of which they wake up only in spring .

Birds keep a layer of air within their feathers to protect them against cold. And the layer of fat protects them when raining or snowing.

A lot of energy consumption and a lot of effort to pass over the terrible winter.

Be positive!
Choose life !

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