
vineri, 3 ianuarie 2014

Ce prietenosi ! Prea draguti ! / How friendly ! Too cute !

Se intampla cateodata sa nu fim amabili ... Suntem stresati , nu agreem persoana din fata noastra , nu avem chef ... sau asa suntem noi , ca sa nu spun altfel ...

Amabilitatea are un efect pozitiv asupra sistemului nostru de imunitate si asupra eliberarii de serotonina in creier.

In lumea animalelor deseori intalnim situatii surprinzatoare !
Prietenii neobisnuite, bizare ...
Sau poate sunt doar amabilitati .

Oricum s-ar denumi ele , ne ofera o lume in care dragalasenia nu are margini !
Too cute !

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

It sometimes happens that we are not kind... We are stressed, we don't like the person in front of us, we are not in the mood...or this is how we just are, so to speak...

The kindness has a positive effect on our immunity and on the serotonin release from our brain.

In the animals' world we often see surprising circumstances!

Unusual, bizarre friendships...
Or maybe it's just politeness.
Anyway you call them, they show us a world with unlimited cuteness!

Too cute!

Be positive!
Choose life!

Translated by Elena Popescu

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