
miercuri, 1 ianuarie 2014

1 ianuarie 2014, un nou inceput in Anul Luminii / January 1st, 2014, a new beginning in the Year of Light

Petrecerea din noaptea de revelion poate lasa urme pentru a doua zi sau chiar in urmatoarele zile , daca nu lasam creierul sa se odihneasca. Ritmul alert al vietii , presiunea continua si sarcinile zilnice il pot transforma intr-un mecanism confuz .

Si animalele au nevoie de somn. La fel ca oamenii.  Au nevoie de aproximativ 12 ore de somn.

Cainii au nevoie de 12 ore de somn, iar pisicile , in medie , 17 ore .
Leul 16-18 ore, soarecii 12-14 ore, foca 6 ore, oaia, capra, vaca 3 ore, elefantul si calul 2 ore  

Pozitiile de somn variaza . Daca este pradator animalul doarme linistit, daca nu , ramane in stare de paza si nu va adormi intr-o pozitie agreabila. Daca este un simplu repaus se va trezi la cel mai mic zgomot. Daca se apara de temperaturi extreme, se ghemuieste, dar ramane tot in stare de paza.

Liliecii dorm cu capul in jos, caii si vacile dorm de cele mai multe ori in picioare, elefantii sforaie foarte puternic :) Mai intai se culca puii de elefant , apoi cei mai tineri, cei mai in varsta adorm ultimii . Somnul elefantilor este unul de veghe .

Fii pozitiv !
Alege viata !

The New Year's Eve party can have consequences the next day, or even over the next days, if we don't allow the brain to rest. The fast rhythm of life, continuous pressure, and daily chores can transform it in a confuse mechanism. 

Animals, too, need their sleep. Like humans. They need approximately 12 hours of sleep. 

The dogs need 12 hours of sleep, and cats, on an average, 17 hours.

The lion needs 16-18 hours, the mice 12-14 hours, the seal 6 hours, the sheep, goat, and cow 3 hours, the elephant and horse 2 hours. 

The sleeping positions vary. If it's a predator, the animal sleeps peacefully, if it's not, it remains in a watchful state, and it won't fall asleep in a comfortable position. If it's a simple rest, it will wake up at the slightest noise. If it shelters itself from extreme temperatures, it will huddle, but will remain in the watchful state. 

The bats sleep with their heads down, the horses and cows sleep mostly standing, the elephants snore very loudly :) First, the baby elephants go to sleep, then the young ones, the oldest ones being last to fall asleep. The elephants' sleep is a watchful one. 

Be positive!
Choose life!

Translated by Elena Popescu

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