
duminică, 9 februarie 2014

Arca lui Noe si inima omului

Adapostul Rocky Ridge gazduieste cca 60 de animale de diverse specii, atat domestice cat si salbatice. Unele sunt cazate temporar altele isi vor petrece tot restul vietii in acest colt de lume in siguranta si in iubire.

Surprinde foarte mult prin co-abitarea a mai multor specii de animale atat de variate si este vizibil cu ochiul liber ca iubirea umana, compasiunea si toleranta stau in spatele acestui proiect vital.

Fii pozitiv!
Alege viata!

Noah's arch and the human heart

The Rocky Ridge shelter hosts about 60 animals of various species, domestic and wild alike. Some are in foster care while others will spend the rest of their lives in this corner of the world in safety and love.

One may be surprised of the co-habitation of so many varied animals and it is visible with a naked eye that human love, compassion and tolerance are behind this vital project.

Be positive!
Chose life!

Translation by Daniela Vlad
Original photos from:

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