In fiecare an,
organizatia germana de conservare a naturii NABU alege animalele anului. Sunt alese speciile care au cea mai mare nevoie
de protectie pentru anul respectiv. Ele nu sunt intotdeauna cele mai dragalase sau cele mai simpatice. Ele sunt
importante !
1. Pasarea anului
ciocanitoarea verde europeana sau ghionoaia verde, cum ii spunem in Romania. Ea
traieste in copaci batrani . Din cauza restrangerii habitatului este pe cale de disparitie ...
2 Animalul
Este zimbrul sau
bizonul european. Ultimul zimbru salbatic a fost impuscat in Caucaz -1927. In Romania mai sunt cativa zimbri ...
3 Categoria
Este broasca cu
burta galbena sau izvorasul cu burta galbena. Poate
fi intalnita des in baltile temporare. Glandele pielii produc otrava , toxice
pentru om . Daca este in pericol isi arata burta galbena cu pete negre , adica
faptul ca este otravitoare !!! Este pe cale de disparitie in Germania .
4 Pestele anului
Este sturionul. Sunt
specii ce pot atinge peste 5 m lungime si 100 ani. Este pe cale de disparitie
din cauza pescuitului excesiv, a poluarii apelor. Caviarul , atat de apreciat , reprezinta chiar ouale sturionului ...
5 Insecta anului
Este aurigera
Phasia. Este o musca rara , unica si uimitoare . Are ochii mari si rosii , un
corp de 1 cm lungime . Anvergura aripilor ajunge pana la 2 cm.
6 Fluturele
Este Spurge
Hawk-moth sau Sfinxul laptelui cainelui. Larvele se
dezvolta pe laptele cainelui, o planta toxica atat pentru ierbivore , cat si
pentru majoritatea insectelor fitofage. Culorile stridente ale larvei si ale fluturelui , atrag atentia asupra toxicitatii sale. Habitatele preferate sunt pajistile uscate, calde
, bogate in laptele cainelui. Este un zburator excelent. Poate fi intalnit si
la malul marii , si la 2000 m altitudine. Agricultura intensa si constructiile
i-au redus habitatul.
7 Paianjenul
Este paianjenul sheet-web.
Acesta foloseste vantul pentru a-si transporta plasa. Nu este in pericol , dar
a fost ales pentru a-i spori popularitatea.
Sursa articol :
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Alege viata !
Each year, the German organization for nature conservation, NABU, chooses the animals of the year. The chosen ones are the species in the greatest need of protection that year. They are not always the cutest or the most likable. They are important!
1. The bird of the year
It's the European Green Woodpecker, or "ghionoaia verde" as we call it in Romania. It leaves in the old trees. Because of habitat shrinking, it's endangered...
2. The wild animal
It's the European Bison. The last wild bison was shot in the Caucasus- 1927. In Romania there are just a few bisons...
3. The amphibian category
It's the yellow-bellied toad. Can be often found in the temporary water puddles. Its skin glands produce a poison that is toxic to humans. If it's in danger, it shows its yellow with black patches belly, which shows that it's poisonous!!! It's endangered in Germany.
4. The fish of the year
It's the sturgeon. There are species that can reach over 5 meters length and 100 years. It's endangered because of extensive fishing and water pollution. The caviar, so appreciated, is actually the sturgeon's eggs...
5. The year's insect
It's Phasia Aurigera. It's a rare fly, unique and amazing. Has big, red eyes, a 1 centimeter long body. The wings' length can reach 2 centimeters.
6. The butterfly of the year.
It's the Spurge Hawk moth, or the leafy spurge sphinx. The larvae grow on the leafy spurge, a plant that is toxic for both herbivores and the majority of the phytophagous insects. The larva's and butterfly's bright colors draw attention to their toxicity. The favorite habitats are the dry, warm, rich in leafy spurge habitats. It's an excellent flyer. Can be also found on the sea shore, and at 2000 meters altitude. The intensive agriculture and constructions have reduced it's habitat.
7. The spider of the year
It's the sheetweb spider. It uses the wind to transport its web. It's not endangered, but it's been used for increasing its popularity.
Source of the article: :
Be positive!
Choose life!
Translated by Elena Popescu
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